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Electric plasma pen skin mole removal, Well Mart, 03208727951 Professional

2 months ago Services Daly City   30 views


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Location: Daly City
Price: $8,000

Electric plasma pen skin mole removal In Pakistan - Wellmart

Removal of spots:

Move the needle slightly towards the spot and it can be very clear that the melanin is burnt and falls off after the electric needle sweeps over it, and if the spots are shallow and the area is small, they can be removed all in one go. If it is a larger area and the pigmentation is darker, it will take 2 or 3 attempts to remove it. We should also refer to your beautician when using electric needle treatment, not only should we keep the customers still, the beautician should balance the her hand with the electric needle and not shake to prevent burns, inconsistency, and to assist in the healing of wounds post-treatment.

Removal of moles:

Be wary to distinguish the mole extent when removing the mole, some moles grow on the surface of the skin and the root grows in the deep skin tissue. Do not break the surface of the mole all at once when using an electric needle, it's best to use a small square area for burning. If there is a deeper mole, not only to avoid inflammation after processing, it's best to apply a nutrient cream acting like living cells 2-3 days before the wound is healed. This prevents dents in the skin. When applying the nutrient cream, you should pay attention to the wound and it should not suffer from inflammation, if it does, then do not wipe it.